Monday, May 2, 2011

New York City brings me the "NEW"

They say that everything is energy.  Everything...animals, things, places, thoughts, people both alive and dead.  Everything is energy.  I believe Einstein even proved that in one of his theories.  Of course, it took me four years to get through two years of high school math, so I am probably not the best person to be quoting scientific or mathematical theories.  But, if everything is energy, that would explain how I ended up having such GREAT 'new' experiences while visiting New York City last week.

For starters, I was the little girl who couldn't stop daydreaming to save her life.  From a very young age, I would say 2 years old, I was always always always thinking about growing up and being an actress.  I would think about it on the way to school, as I rode my bike, as I played with friends, as I climbed trees, as I ate dinner, as I watched TV, etc., etc.  In the mid 80's I would fall asleep every night seeing myself playing opposite Charlie Sheen in the movie 'Platoon'.  Why 'Platoon' and why Charlie?...who knows!!   Soooooo, if thoughts are indeed energy then bada-bing-bada-boom my daydreaming thoughts brought me to New York City...notice how the city is called 'New' York?  ;) 
Yep, this daydreaming, small town, farm girl grew up and became an actress.  My most recent role was in an indie film called "Rid of Me". , which premiered last week in New York City at the Tribeca Film Festival.  Now that is a HUGE 'new' for me in many ways.  It was my first time being in a film that was in the Tribeca Film Fest (founded by Robert DeNiro) and the first time my acting has ever taken me to the Big Apple.
                          At the premiere of 'Rid of Me' at the Tribeca Film Fest in NYC...YIPEE!!!!!

I have been blessed with a Mom and a Dad that are not only my parents, but two of my dearest friends.  We always have such a great time hanging out together.  I am so grateful to say that both my Mom and Dad were at my side in New York City during the big Tribeca premiere of "Rid of Me".  My Mother's family immigrated to America from Poland through Ellis Island.  My Great Grandmother (Busia) always told the story of when she first saw the Statue of Liberty.  My Grandfather (Dziadzia) would often tell me why our family came to America from Poland.  He said it was so our family would always be able to live our dreams and live any life that we 'choose' to live.  He told me that I had to pursue my dreams and that I was never to quit.  
Up  until last week, my Mother had never been to NYC.  I have always wanted her to have the chance to visit Ellis Island, see the Statue of Liberty, and stand where her Grandmother once stood that day many years ago when she arrived in the 'new' country.  A few years ago, I told my Mom that my acting would one day bring us all to New York and that we would stand before the Statue of Liberty and thank our Grandparents for encouraging us, through example, to live our lives fully.  If people, alive and deceased, are energy, then it only makes sense that my Grandparents brought me to New York.  AND...they didn't just bring me to New York for vacation...they brought me to New York to live my dream.  I guess that is what we do in America.  The 'new' country, as my Busia called it.
                                            Living my dream with my Mom and Dad at my side
                    Dziekuje, Busia and Dziadzia.  (Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa)  xoxo

I have been to New York City twice before, but seeing it again with my Mom and Dad was new and exciting and more fun then the first two visits combined.  Guess What!!!...while in New York, I checked something off of my Bucket List.  Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted to ice skate at Rockefeller Center.  I had no idea the ice rink was still there in April.  I thought it was just a Christmas thing.  While on our way to the Empire State Building, we walked pass Rockerfeller Center. I said, "OMG...they are ice skating!!".  My Mom said, "Go rent some skates and jump out there".  I said, "Hell NO...I haven't skated in 20 years and we don't have time".  My Mom, "How about that New Years Resolution of yours?".  Damn it, hate when my Mother is right.  LOL   If a Mom being right isn't energy, I don't know what is.  Before I knew it, I was on the ice, skating, giggling, and having the time of my life.  Of course I was, because I was experiencing the energy of a Bucket List.  Check this out.....I NEVER fell!!!  I ran into the wall several times, but never fell.  That was energy at its finest.  :)
                                    Skating at Rockefeller Center.."Look at me, Mom!!!"

The energy of intuition... While my trip to New York City was incredible, I was personally struggling with a lot of stress and fears that I just can't quite get life to work the way I 'think' I need it to.  During the flight to New York, I was listening to random music.  One of the songs that randomly came on during my flight was 'Let it Be' by the Beatles.  Nice theory, but if I am going to let everything be, everything could fall apart around me.  Sorry Beatles...but NOT!!!  My first two days in New York were nice, but there were a couple moments where I just wanted to bang my stressed out head against the wall.  Each time that I felt like banging my head against the wall, the words 'Let it Be' would pop into my head.  OMG, my wonderful Beatles, would you SHUT UP already!!!  On Sunday my parents and I spent the day in Central Park.  It was a beautiful sunny warm day.  Even though we all agreed to play the day by ear, my intuition kept telling me over and over to go look at a map of Central Park.  When we finally walked past a map, I stopped and took a quick look at it.  My eyes instantly went to a spot on the map called, "Strawberry Fields", which is an area of Central Park that is a memorial to John creepy is that??!!!!!  I told my Mom and Dad that I had to go there.  I'm not sure why, I just know that I am suppose to go there.  Once we got there, it all became so clear.  On the sidewalk there is a mosaic in honor of John Lennon.  In the middle of the mosaic is the word 'Imagine'.  I knelt by the mosaic, stared at that word, and hummed the song 'Let it Be'.  As quickly as the wind can blow past your face, every ounce of stress and silly worry I had just fell away from me.  All of a sudden it was crystal clear. Everything really is energy. The entire universe is energy.  The universe is not against me.  The universe is for me!!!  All the energies of the universe are always conspiring together for my highest good and to help me.  But, how can the universe help me, if I refuse to let go, if I won't  'let it be', if I am afraid to trust?  Maybe that is why they say, 'You are your own worst enemy'..yikes.   Boy oh boy, my life was blessed in that moment.  "LET IT BE" new mantra.  I even framed the picture of me kneeling by the mosaic and put it on my desk.  A way to remind myself that life is sooo precious that you just gotta let it be and enjoy the ride.
"Let It Be"..please click on the link below..

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