What I learned producing my first series....
~First of all, I am a SAG (union) actor. For me to be in my own show, I had to produce a SAG signatory production. For the first time I had to work with SAG... not as an actress, but as a producer. There was lots of paper work, lots of T's to cross and I's to dot, and lots of new rules to learn and play by. SAG assigned a union representative to help me along the way. She was very helpful, patient, and knowledgeable. She was very kind and answered my many phone calls with a cheery voice. That says a lot for her character, because I called....often!!!! LOL
~As producer I learned about casting, location scouting, arranging schedules for an entire cast and crew. I learned how to work with child actors. I learned the art of feeding cast and crew, breaks, and call sheets. I learned how to manage money and how to enrich the production value of a low budget project.
~I learned how to compromise with people in a professional manner.
~I learned how to ask for help. I learned there is knowledge in saying ..."I don't know how to do this. Who does?"
~I learned to valuate the problem and then turn towards a solution.
~I learned that I beat myself up too much. I have learned to have more patience with myself and to speak to myself with kinder words.
~I have learned that there is such a thing as a 'high quality NO'. Saying 'no' is not always negative and it most certainly is not a sign of weakness. A 'high quality NO' can be very positive, powerful, and productive.
~This is a BIG one for me. I have learned how to stand my ground and speak up for myself. I have spent most of my life trying to be a 'people pleaser'. I suspect that trait stemmed from my own insecurities and my need to be accepted and liked. Well....people pleasing is an impossible endeavor and definitely created problems for me as a producer. Don't get me wrong...I believe it is important to respect others, work together in a friendly manner, and listen to every one's point of view and do some compromising. BUT....if you have to compromise your own values and sacrifice your own integrity, then maybe it is time to stand your ground and speak up for yourself. So....I have learned how to be a friend to myself and have my own back. Kinda sad that I'm just now learning this one...but...I learned it and grateful I did!!
~I also learned that the universe is always giving me gifts. I just have to be willing to receive them.
******* I am very happy to announce that my series, "Learn it in an Hour" had its season premiere last week. Our first episode was released to GREAT reviews. I am also happy to say that we far exceeded our goal of viewers for our first week. We will be releasing one new episode every Tuesday for five weeks. After that you will always be able to watch any of our five episodes at anytime at our website...
What was the first new skill I learned, you may ask? Well....season one opens with me learning how to pole dance. HA! Below are some pics from that shoot and a link where you can watch the full episode. ENJOY!!
You can also view our first episode here...
Stay tuned....new episodes will be posted every Tuesday from Oct 11th thru Nov. 8th.
WOW...this all started from a New Year's Resolution? Kowa-Bunga!!!